A Call To Arms Star Fleet Pdf


A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Book One, Revision Two, Deluxe Edition - Your Mission: Go Boldly to the Stars Discover New Worlds Bring Your Crew Home Alive A Call to.

  • Apr 25, 2012 A short while ago, we said we would be looking at a way to provide owners of the printed A Call to Arms: Star Fleet rulebook with a PDF version.
  • A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 1.2: Romulan Ship Roster Card Pack Is Available The Romulan Empire is run by an emperor, with the support of the great houses (the 21 powerful families who control most of the Romulan economy).

This exciting revision of the first volume includes the rules to play the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Kzintis, Gorns, Tholians, and Orion pirates using the Call to Arms combat system. This system is miniatures based (no hexes) and is very streamlined. There is no energy allocation (although some special actions will slow your ship down as your chief engineer diverts powers to whatever special order you gave). Each turn consists of one movement phase and one attack phase.

Ships fire one at a time (or in squadrons) and if a ship is destroyed before it gets to fire, well, too bad! All of the rules have been reviewed, clarified as needed, and are now in one location. All of the ships have had their stats reviewed and errors corrected. There has been extensive playtesting of this version. You will find that the ease of play has been retained so large battles can be handled quickly. We are releasing the basic version as 'pay what you want' in fulfillment of the promise that people who purchased the first edition would get free replacement of the rules and ship rosters. This is a limited-time offer.

This product is being done as a joint venture with Mongoose Publishing Ltd., under the strict terms of ADB, Inc.' S contract with Paramount Pictures Corporation. You can download the 'pay what you want' basic version from Wargame Vault: DriveThru RPG. On November 20, 2014, at 9:30 pm EST, Steve Cole and Tony Thomas will appear on Star Fleet Universe On Call, the call-in talk radio show hosted by Paul Franz. They should have answers to all sorts of questions about A Call to Arms: Star Fleet. Need more information about how to chat?

Star Fleet Universe On Call (Talk Shoe ID: 17702) between 9:30pm and 10:30pm Eastern Time. (URL: ) If you want to call in, just call 724-444-7444 and enter the Talkshoe ID. It is also downloadable as a Podcast for those that can not make it. Also, if you can't make it but would like to have a particular subject discussed, email Paul Franz before the show and he will see what he can do.

If you have problem with the Talk Shoe website go to: and if there is still a problem refresh. Then do a search for call 17702. We at ADB, Inc.

Hope to hear you there. My local group has found the new rules interesting enough that we sort of want to dust off the minis.

Drones, plasma, and cloaks might all be fixed! By the end of our earlier play with ACTA:SF when it was new, we felt obligated to heavily modify them in order for things to play reasonably well.

Eventually it started to feel like work, and we stopped. One of the problems we ran into was ship balance. So I figured I would throw the new stats into a spreadsheet and see what jumped out at me after a few regressions, in the hopes that the point system might make more sense now (in terms of providing a method of balancing matches). It still has a fair number of oddities. D7 vs Swordbreaker. Both 170 points.

Swordbreaker has, on its side:. +2 shields.

+5 hull. +1 anti-drone. +2 drones. +1 phaser-1. +4 marines. +2 labs. Better arcs on its secondary phasers (so better defensively and at point blank) The D7 has, on its side:.1 turn score.

+1 transporter. Phaser-2 secondary battery instead of phaser-3s (so better offensively at 2-12'). Better arcs for its phaser-1s Are Phaser-2s that much better?

See, on the other hand, the Comet costs 5 points more than a basic D6. The Comet has, on its side:. +2 drones. Ability to fire secondary phasers forward. Better disruptor arcs. The D6 has:. +2 shields.

+7 hull. +2 disruptors.

+2 secondary phasers. +6 marines.

+2 transporters. +2 labs. Phaser-2 secondary battery instead of phaser-3s. Better phaser-1 arcs.Although p.

21 allows both of these to be taken with 6 drones, at which point we would just delete those three lines. There are some things that are significantly improved from the older version; I am, however, not entirely convinced the point values are very good, or make a great deal of sense within the ACTA context, even if they are better than they initially were. We have uploaded a new version (Revision C) of A Call to Arms: Star Fleet to DriveThru RPG and Wargame Vault. This new version standardizes the references to various plasma torpedoes (all now follow the pattern of plasma-F torpedo), clarified some of the rules, fixed some typos, and fixed a few more places where data changed one place but not another. We also added a few more notes about places and ways to reach out to fellow ACTASF players. Major changes: 1. Accurate +3 was removed from plasma bolts.

(It was found to make them too powerful.) 2. Klingon D5W and C7 had some changes to their weapons. Some Klingon ships changed the 'name' of the class. This was done to add later flexibility to building fleets. In a future book, a Klingon D7B (lacking the K refit that the D7K has) would be a lower points-value ship and might fit into a hole in your fleet. If you have downloaded the file previously, it should be in your library. If you want to download the latest revision as a 'pay what you want' PDF, then you can get it from Wargame Vault: DriveThru RPG: We hope you enjoy it!

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet 1.2 Revision D Available! We have uploaded a new version (Revision D) to DriveThru RPG and Wargame Vault. This new version clarified some of the rules, fixed some typos, and fixed a few more places where data changed one place but not another.

Major changes: 1. We finished making the ship names more accurate.

That will allow future flexibility in providing more ships for you to use. There were two numbers that were wrong on ship rosters (a Gorn torpedo range and a few extra labs on the Fed CC). One rule on cloaking and terrain was fixed.

A call to arms newsmax

If you have downloaded the file previously, it should be in your library. If you want to download the latest revision as a 'pay what you want' PDF, then you can get it from Wargame Vault: DriveThru RPG: We hope you enjoy it! Revision E of A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 1.2 Has Been Released We have uploaded a new version (Revision E) to DriveThru RPG and Wargame Vault. This new version clarified some of the rules, fixed some typos, and fixed a few more places where data changed one place but not another. Major changes: 1. Cloaking Device: The rules about what Special Actions can be used while cloaked were tweaked a bit.

Plasma Bolts: The rules for plasma bolts were re-written but nothing was changed. They were reworded to provide bolts with their own, complete stat lines rather than instructing you to modify the stat line for plasma torpedoes. Take Evasive Action!: This special action was modified to provide a -1 To Hit penalty for evasive ships firing at other ships. The Klingon C8 is now the C8K, a more accurate name.

If you have downloaded the file previously, it should be in your library. If you want to download the latest revision as a 'pay what you want' PDF, then you can get it from Wargame Vault: DriveThru RPG: The 'pay what you want' offer for A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 1.2 will end late on April 30, 2015. This is the free copy that Mongoose promised to replace the hardback version people bought originally. Please replace yours before that date.

A Call To Arms: Star Fleet Pdf Rule Book

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Volume One, Revision 2 Deluxe Edition Released! This exciting first volume of A Call to Arms: Star Fleet includes the rules to play the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Kzintis, Gorns, Tholians, and Orion pirates using the Call to Arms combat system. This system is miniatures based (no hexes) and is very streamlined. There is no energy allocation (although some special actions will slow your ship down as your chief engineer diverts power to whatever special order you gave). Each turn consists of one movement phase and one attack phase. Ships fire one at a time (or in squadrons) and if a ship is destroyed before it gets to fire, well, too bad! In this revised edition all of the rules have been reviewed, clarified as needed, and are in one location.

All of the ships have had their stats reviewed. There has been extensive playtesting of this version. You will find that the ease of play has been retained so large battles can be handled quickly. The deluxe version includes expanded background information for the empires, a chapter on tactics, a chapter on painting ships and creating asteroids, and far more art. Each ship roster includes an image of the ship. This product is being done as a joint venture with Mongoose Publishing Ltd., under the strict terms of ADB, Inc.'

A Call To Arms Newsmax

S contract with Paramount Pictures Corporation. The main volume is available as an ebook from the following sources: Warehouse 23: Wargame Vault: DriveThru RPG: hurlttp:///url It will be about a month before the print version is released.

Be sure to pick up a ship roster pack for your favorite empires.

This entry was posted on 31.10.2019.