Bullzip Pdf Printer Silent Mode


Open all song 1.10. Tatsh xepher Open the configure folder data window 1.8.1. Delete current selected song’s OJN file(not recommended to click) 1.7. From top to bottom: Title-Level-Note-Time-Genre-Artist-BGA(Yes/No) 1.8. Configure where you store the file song 1.8.2.

  1. Deployment tips, questions, blogs and other technical materials related to BullZip.com BullZip PDF Printer 1.
  2. Changelog Bullzip PDF Printer. - Fix for hiding run action error dialog in silent mode. Bullzip PDF Printer - Works with Windows 10 Technical Preview.

Bullzip Knowledge Base. How to get the best value. 0_2600_PRO_EXP.exe /SILENT /PRINTERNAME=”Archive PDF Printer. Reader and print it to the Bullzip PDF Printer.

Unattended Installation The setup program can run unattended. If you are a system administrator and wants to install the PDF Writer many times it may be a good idea to look into the unattended installation.

Command line switches can control how the setup program will run. If you run the setup program with the /SILENT parameter, no interaction is required by the user. A /VERYSILENT switch will even hide the setup wizard when it runs.

Please see for more information. Examples BIOPDFSetup.exe /SILENT or BIOPDFSetup.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART.

Bullzip Pdf Printer

Bullzip Pdf Printer Silent Mode

PDF Printer - User Guide - Version 2.x This documentation will try to describe the installation and usage of the PDF Printer driver. The documentation is a changing document and your input is appreciated.

Bullzip Pdf Printer Silent Mode

Today there are a lot of ways to produce PDF documents. This program will install itself as a printer on your computer. When you print to this printer it will generate a PDF document instead of producing output on paper. Unlike many other freeware PDF printers this printer will allow you to control the file name of the PDF document without having to use a 'Save As' dialog each time you print to PDF. You will also be able to control whether or not the printer should ask if you want to see the document after the PDF generation is complete.

Content. Before you are able to run the program you need the following installed on your system:. Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 (32 bit x86 or 64 bit x64).

GPL Ghostscript 8.64 The installation is very simple. Just download the setup program and run it. A wizard will guide you through the installation. If you are distributing the printer driver in a network environment please see the section. If you use this printer from a program it is possible to change the settings directly from within your program.

This can be done using the CONFIG utility or writing the values directly to the settings file. Using the CONFIG command line utility you can change some of the settings that control the behavior of the printer. You can change the settings listed in the table below. Setting Description PDF Printer Settings Output The output setting allows you to direct the output of the PDF printer to a specific file.

When this setting is set the printer will not ask the user for a destination file name. When setting the output it must specify a valid file name including the full path for a PDF document. C: TEMP TEST.PDF where c: temp is a valid folder. If the output folder does not exist then the PDF generation will fail. Beginning with version the output setting allows macro names as part of the file name.

The following macro names can be used: The current date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The current time in the format hh.mm.ss. Document name Base part of the document name. This macro gives you the part of document name up to the last dot. If the document name is a file name then the resulting value is the file name without an extension. This macro allows you to query the values of the environment variables. Is substituted with the logged in user name.

When using the macro names in the settings.ini file the output parameter could look something like this: Output=.pdf ShowPDF Specifies if the resulting PDF file should be shown after generation. This setting can have the following values: yes, no, ask. SettingsProgram This setting allows you to hook into the printing process and change some of the settings used to generate the PDF document. Using this setting you can specify an external program which will be launched by the printer before the PDF document is generated. The program will receive a file name as parameter. This file contains the current settings for the PDF document. The program can read these settings and modify them.

The modified settings should be saved to the same and the program must terminate after that. When the external program has terminated the printing process will continue based on the changed settings in the settings file. In the current version you can change the Title, the Creator and the Author settings. AfterPrintProgram The AfterPrintProgram setting is a hook into the printing process. If you specify this setting it must contain a file name of an external program to launch when the PDF document is created. The external program will receive the file name of the as a parameter.

The printer will not continue before the external program has terminated. PDF Watermark Settings WatermarkText The text you want in your watermark. WatermarkSize An integer value between 1 and 100 indicating the size of the watermark text. The default value is 6.

WatermarkTransparency A transparency percentage from 0 to 100 determines the darkness of the watermark. 0 is black and 100 is white (invisible). Normal values are in the range from 70 to 90. WatermarkRotation The water mark can be rotated. Specify an integer value between 0 and 360. You can also specify the value 'c2c' or '-c2c'. This will rotate the watermark in the direction 'Corner to Corner'.

PDF Merge Settings MergeFile Specifies a PDF file name if you want to merge the current output with an existing PDF file. MergePosition If you specify a merge file this parameter will determine the position of current PDF output in the merged result.


Valid values are 'bottom' (append) and 'top' (prepend). The default is 'bottom', which will append your current PDF output to the PDF file specified in the MergeFile parameter. Superimpose With the superimpose parameter you can lay two documents on top of each other. The superimpose parameter must point to a PDF file name, which will be the template. All pages of your current output will be created with the first page of the superimposed PDF file as background. Please note that if your current output paints the background you will not be able to see the template underneath. PDF Security Settings OwnerPassword Password for the owner of the document.

UserPassword Password for the users of the document. KeyLength Specifies the length of the encryption key. Valid lengths are 40 and 128 bits. The default key length is 40 bits. Permissions Permissions that apply to the users who access the document via the user password. See the section for more details.

PDF Document Settings Target The target device sets the quality of the PDF document. Better quality results in larger PDF files.

Available targets are screen, ebook, printer, prepress and default. Please note that it is case sensitive. Specifying an invalid value will most likely result in an empty pdf file. Author Author of the PDF document. Title Title of the PDF document. Subject Subject of the PDF document.

Keywords Keywords of the PDF document. The values of these settings are stored in a file called settings.ini.

This file is located in the folder specified by the DataArea setting in the registry. Please refer to the Advanced Settings section of the documentation for at description of this paramenter. Advanced Settings The advanced settings are stored in the registry under the key: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Bullzip PDF Printer Settings This applies to the settings DataArea, GhostscriptFolder and WorkArea. These settings are written to the registry during the installation of the printer driver. Normally you do not need to change these settings from their default values. Setting Description GhostscriptFolder Full path to the folder where the Ghostscript is installed.

If this is not specified the program will look in the registry for settings under the key HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE GPL Ghostscript 8.15 DataArea The data area setting specifies a folder where the settings.ini is located. Settings.ini is created and updated by the CONFIG utility. WorkArea The full path to where the printer will work with temporary files. This path must exist. Otherwise the PDF generation will fail. Remember that messing around with your registry can be a dangerous thing.

Don't do this unless you know what you are doing. PDF Settings Title=Registry Editor Creator=PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Author=jr Output=c: test.pdf Q: Can I direct the output to a specific file every time? Please see the section of this document. In network environments it is often an advantage if you can run a setup program unattended. Unattended installation is supported by this program and described in this section of the documentation. When running the setup program in an unattended mode you will have to specify a set of command line parameters to the setup program.

The command line parameters will determine where the program is installed and what the user will see when the installation is in progress. Command Line Parameters /SP- Disables the startup prompt. /SILENT, /VERYSILENT Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is. When a setup is very silent this installation progress window is not displayed.

If a restart is necessary and the '/NORESTART' command isn't used (see below) and Setup is silent, it will display a Reboot now? If it's very silent it will reboot without asking. /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes. Only has an effect when combined with '/SILENT' and '/VERYSILENT'. /NOCANCEL Prevents the user from canceling during the installation process, by disabling the Cancel button and ignoring clicks on the close button.

Useful along with '/SILENT' or '/VERYSILENT'. /NORESTART Instructs Setup not to reboot even if it's necessary. /RESTARTEXITCODE=exit code Specifies the custom exit code that Setup is to return when a restart is needed. Useful along with '/NORESTART'. Also see Setup Exit Codes.

/DIR='x: dirname' Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. Instead of running the Ghostscript installation program every time you want to install the printer driver on a new computer you can make the Bullzip PDF Printer setup program distribute the files needed to run Ghostscript on the target computer. The setup program will look for a folder called GS next to where the setup program is placed on your hard drive or network folder. If it finds a GS folder it will automatically copy the contents to where the printer is installed and create a registry entry so that the printer driver can find the Ghostscript application. Here is a description of how to create this GS folder.

Locate folder where you have the printer driver setup program. Create a folder named GS next to the setup program. Locate a normal installation of Ghostscript installed by the Ghostscript setup program.

Copy the contents of the FONTS, BIN and LIB folders to the created GS folder. Next time you run the setup program it will see the GS folder and install the Ghostscript files with the printer driver. This will save you a lot of time if you have to install this to multiple computers or you want to use the unattended installation. If you want to distribute the printer driver to a lot of computers on your enterprise network this section will give you some ideas on how to do that. This part of the documentation assumes that you have read about the and.

The problems we want to address in a network rollout are the following:. Make sure that all computers have the program installed. Make sure that all computers have the latest version. Doing the above without having to run the setup program every time a user logs on. Automatic distribution of GPL Ghostscript as well as the printer driver. To solve these problems we have developed the batch file shown here.

This entry was posted on 18.09.2019.