Green Lantern Mugen Character


Green Lantern Universe Characters. Green Lantern Universe Characters. Games Movies TV. “ Green Lantern is the name of several heroes in DC Comics. * Affiliation: Green Lantern Corps * Birthplace: Coast City, CA * Height: 6'0' * Weight: 186 lbs. * Eyes: brown * Hair: brown Hal Jordan was born in Coast City eventually joined the United States Air Force. Many years later, a dying alien named Abin Sur who had been a member of the Green Lantern Corps crash-landed his ship.

The Green Lantern Hal Jordon The Green lantern for mugen is created by Buyog and is available on as a downloadable character. CHARACTER REVIEW Positive Points The sprites for the most part are custom made and look fabulous! He is also a rare example of a proper use of an afterimage glow in this newly updated version! He has a very unique special called the buzzcut, it is some type of medieval weapon with a roller wheel of spikes. As he hits the opponent, the opponent will rise up for some juggle damage.


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By far the most creative attack, next to his anvil grapple smash. Next he has the standard Green Lantern Corps bubble attack that traps and pops it's victim. Another special move of interest is a ram attack, it looks fitting for its unusual size. Hal will also do am arial sword slash to.


He has the standard Green Lantern Corps ring attack beam as well. All sprited flawlessly. As far as hypers go, Hal will unleash a giant boxing glove attack in two separate varieties. Another good hyper is Hal's artillery fire, just an all out military strike for that good 'ol MvC finisher! Hal has a new hyper called the 'Ion Force', which is probably his best hyper yet.

It has a fantastic animation where vertical beams rotate around Hal for several strikes. Truly a creative and skillful maneuver of rare creativity.

The Green Lantern also does a charge attack on horseback that works to standard. Negative Points The only thing that's wrong here is that there's too much stuff that wasn't needed. Hal has some various palette modes with very small differences and minor changes with a few different specials. Perhaps not a bad thing for the die hard GL fan, but a headache for the casual gamer to deal with. A lot of back story to comb through when Hal goes Red or Blue.

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It's not really an issue and really it's a nice bonus for those who want more but still a bit confusing. The single issue that has been plaguing Hal for the longest time now is his horrible Ring Slinging hyper attack. It clearly went through a revamp but it still falls flat, the projectiles don't seem to fit the look and style.

They also function poorly to attack in formation though this could have been intentional. Hal also has enough hypers, more than enough, he could get along without this one. I don't think it will be missed either. 'Judgement & Final Thoughts'.

This entry was posted on 27.09.2019.