Speedtree Library


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Contents. SpeedTree 6.0 is now the supported version in the HeroEngine and HeroCloud.


The HeroEngine specific SpeedTree 6.0 Modeler can be found in the downloads section of your active world at account.heroengine.com. Simple SpeedTree 6 for HeroEngine Tutorial SpeedTree Discussion During Development Check out this forum thread with some SpeedTree 6.0 images from inside the HeroEngine's current development branch. Adding Legacy SpeedTree 4.2 Trees to Your HeroEngine 1 World THIS IS LEGACY 4.2 SPEEDTREE SETUP.

You will not follow any of these instructions now that SpeedTree 6.0 is released, unless you are a source code developer that is not upgrading to HeroEngine 2. Trees can be added from the library, which is located under /program files/speedtree/. The library for us serves as a base template to create our own trees from. Using any one of these, you can replace all the textures and create whatever tree you desire.

Note: SpeedTree likes.tga files which don't play nice with HeroEngine, so we will be converting them to.dds later on in the tutorial. Note: SpeedTree automatically refreshes the tree in real time as you change parmeters First thing to do, is find a tree in the library that you like and open it up. There is now an additional tutorial from user info360Covers outlined at the bottom of this page that some users have found to be additionally helpful. Save File Location Right away, we are going to use Save As for this tree into the matching location of the where all your SpeedTrees are going to be kept. I'll be doing a demo tree called democypress.spt When you save out the tree to a new location it will give you a local map not found and will prompt you to copy them into the same directory as the.spt file. Click yes to all. SpeedTree Parameters There are a ton of parameters to alter and fiddle with, most of which are curve-based.

It takes a bit of time to get used to them and to be able to predict how your tree is going to change. It's best to just experiment with them for a while to get the hang of it. Textures Most of the trees come with a bark texture, 2 leaf textures, 1 frond textures, and a self shadow texture. If you would like to use the self shadow,360 Billboards, and Fruit bits, these options now supported by Hero Engine. Original Leaf 2 Texture at the original resolution Once you're done editing and manipulating your creation, you're going to open the bark texture in Photoshop. Make any color or texture changes that you feel will work best for the look and feel of your tree now.You'll want to make these changes at the higher res.tga because you have greater control and less image quality loss when resaving.tga's as opposed to making and resaving the.dds files. This is important for the bark texture because it is not included in the Composite Map, however it is referenced during the generation of the billboard image.

Most bark textures come in 256x1024 or of some elongated proportion. The goal is to get it to occupy a 256x256 or equivalent space. You can squash into a 256x256 or What I like to do, is keep its proportion and just shrink it down so that its the same file size as 256x256. Hence the 256x1024 becomes a 128x512. If you are happy with your bark, you can save it out to a.dds and create a normal/spec map for it just as you would create any another.dds texture.

Resulting Bark normal map DDS texture at 128x512 and saved as DXT3 The Leaf and Frond textures will eventually end up in a Composite Map and in an ideal situation you only want each map to represent a 256 x 256 space. Make color adjustments on these and size them down to this resolution. You'll want these maps square in most cases because it makes setting up the embedded texture coordinates a little less painful later on. In this particular case my Leaf 1 texture is 256x128, So, I'm going to add some space to make it square and also expand the background texture a bit. Don't forget about scaling and editing the alpha channel appropriately to match the shape edits on the RGB channels. The resulting.tga's look like this. Resized to a 256x256.

Note: The leaf and frond textures will stay in the.tga format. The reason these don't need to be converted is because they will be included into the Composite Map, which is what HeroEngine really cares about.

Speedtree Modeler

Note: On the Leaves Tab, uncheck Use Mesh checkbox at the bottom. HeroEngine does not support the.stm mesh files. If it is turned on, artifacts will include odd lighting when rotated 180 degress, and the billboards will not autoface the camera. If you would like to replace the Leaves or Fronds texture with new textures you created, click on the browse. dialogue box and load the different.tga files.

Next, click on the thumbnail in the panel to adjust the pivot point. The texture will pivot around the point which you designate here. The yellow + on the image is the pivot point of the texture. When you look at a tree in HeroEngine and move around it, you'll notice the leaves always face the camera. Composite Map Now you need to create a composite map. Keep all the default options except the following:.

Uncheck Copy maps to folder because that is one of the first things we did when the local map not found dialog appeared earlier. Uncheck Clean temp files just in case you need to back track and make edits. Browse to the same Folder the SpeedTrees will be within the Repository branch. Give your Tree a Filename.

It is important to give this a unique name that follows your bark, bark normal, and.spt naming scheme. Choose.dds from the drop down menu. This will reduce headaches as your SpeedTree output grows. Sometimes going back a second round and replacing the LOD billboard with a snapshot of the tree from HeroEngine can help with achieving a more cohesive look - use your own discretion. Also replacing the white on the billboard with the prominent color of the tree can help in some situations as well. If you are using 360 billboards, you can use as many or as few of them as would like.

For example by default there is 6, we have found that 4 works rather well. Note: A Tree File Modification Detected dialog will appear after the composite map is finished asking if you want to re-import the tree with the modified file.

Tree File Modification Detected This file has been modified externally. This could be due to exporting a composite map tree on top of the original. Load the modified file? Click Yes User data Now we just need to declare a few items and we are finished.

In SpeedTreeCAD, go to Edit User data. From the main menu. Enter the names of your textures with the following format ( as of version 2009.1): CompositeDiffuse = CompositeMapDiffuse.dds CompositeNormal = CompositeNormalMap.dds BarkDiffuse = BarkTexture.dds BarkNormal = BarkNormalMap.dds BarkDetail = BarkDetailMap.dds SelfShadow = SelfShadowMap.dds In this format, the textures can appear in any order. CompositeDiffuse and BarkDiffuse are required; others are optional. In previous versions you must use the following format instead. There cannot be spaces between lines, and they must appear in this order. Only list maps in which you actually use.

To use a bark detail texture, you need to have a self shadow map and a composite normal map. (This format is supported in 2009.1 and later for backwards compatibility.) CompositeMapDiffuse.dds BarkTexture.dds BarkNormalMap.dds SelfShadowMap.dds CompositeNormalMap.dds BarkDetailMap.dds. Note In our vast studies of Speedtree, we have found that 1 self shadow map will work for many many trees. We have 1 for almost all of them. So when listing your maps, remember some of that maps can be shared across multiple trees, this is very efficient. Embedded Texture Coordiantes The next thing to declare is Embedded Texture Coordiantes which can be reached by the Edit Embedded texture coordinates.

You can copy them from a tree that already has them or create them manually. It's best that you know the manual method first so that it is a clear understanding of the textures and how they are laid out. However Speedtree 4.0 is pretty good about getting these coordinates correct right away. review UV coordinates are always between 0 and 1 and are read like x and y on a grid. Here is an example: You can have more textures divided up in different ways on there so long as you do the math to get the coordinates. However, this is your most common layout and easiest to work with.

Under the leaf section, click add. This is going to open up those grayed out number fields and it will be considered index 0. Those fields are asking for the UV coordinates of each corner of the space in which that specific texture is on the composite map. If you have a 2nd leaf texture, click add again. This will give you index 1. Enter the appropriate coordinates for your second leaf texture off of the composite map. From the drop down box select Fronds and repeat the above steps.

From the drop down box select Billboard and repeat the above steps. Add coordinates for the self shadow map if you have decided to use one.

Alternatively, if you already have a functioning tree that uses these coordinates you can copy all and then paste all into your new tree. Save and Upload At this point save out you SpeedTree file again. Open up the Repository Browser.

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The only files that need to be uploaded are the.spt file and the dds textures. From here you load the.spt file into HeroEngine just like a regular asset and you're done. Note: The leaf tinting property in the properties panel in HeroEngine does not tint mesh leaves, only billboard leaves. Note: Enviroscheme property is no longer used and is deprecated. Info360Covers' Tutorial This is a recap tutorial from developer info360Covers that some developers have found useful and or more direct. SPEEDTREE HERO EXPORT TUTORIAL You can browse the library of 4.2 by downloading the library from your download page First thing you want to do is make a copy of the tree. Always use the speedtree file “whateverthetreesnameRT.spt”.

RT stands for real time (game engine use). Lets convert the CurlyPalm.RT for Hero.

I made a local directory to match the repo and copied the whole library there. The Curly Palm is located in C: HE world livecontent speedtrees Yourname Trees PalmsCacti&Cycads CurlyPalm on my local drive. I made a copy of CurlyPalmRT.spt and renamed it to CurlyPalmRTYourname.spt. Reason for doing this is Speedtree will write to your master file if you do not. Open up “CurlyPalmRTYourname.spt” in SpeedTree CAD 4.2 Click on the “Composite Map” icon on the left hand side (the tenth button down, looks a keyboard with an arrow above it) Composite map exporter dialog will pop up.

What is composite map export? It allows you to adjust billboard size/and how many billboard angles you want. At the same time it will make you a texture and normal map for the tree, it will then combine/composite the billboards and maps into dds files. In the bottom right corner of that window set the project directory (“folder” field). Browse to C: HE world livecontent speedtrees Yourname Trees PalmsCacti&Cycads CurlyPalm Set the file name above that to something like CurlyPalmYourname, check “Convert branch map to dds” and select “.dds” from the dropdown menu next to it.

The box in the top left hand that says, for example, “ Composite map (1024x1024)” shows the overall map size, you can adjust it realtime. To do so, in the lower left hand corner you will see “Adjust Billboard sizes” adjust the dial and see realtime how much space you are giving to the billboards(yellow blocks) and how much space you are giving to the bark and leaf (orange and green blocks) texture map. You can also change the billboard “count” above that. Honestly 6 (the default) looks harsh when transitioning from the billboard LOD in Hero. Maybe 12 would be a good number, you can make them small since they will be distant. I have attached a screenshot of what my composite looks like, make sure you check those other options also to match the screenshot. Click “OK” when you have everything ready.

Speedtree Library

I chose specular and detail in the composite options, the Curly Palm didn’t have either TGA for those, so I was greeted with a little error after it created the composite. No big deal, just ignore it. Close the error box, another dialog box will pop up titled “File Modification Detected” saying your file has been modified, click yes.

The tree will turn white. Now “filesave” from the menu. You must now setup a user data file so Hero can read the tree info.

From the menu click “edituser data” A user data input box will popup The layout/template for the user data information looks like this: CompositeDiffuse = CompositeMapDiffuse.dds CompositeNormal = CompositeNormalMap.dds BarkDiffuse = BarkTexture.dds BarkNormal = BarkNormalMap.dds BarkDetail = BarkDetailMap.dds SelfShadow = SelfShadowMap.dds What we want to do is replace the above names with the DDS names of our newly generated Curly Palm dds files. Your generated CurlyPalm files will be located in C: HE world livecontent speedtrees Yourname Trees PalmsCacti&Cycads CurlyPalm.


Edit it so it looks like the text below (or whatever you named your dds files) CompositeDiffuse = CurlyPalmYournameDiffuse.dds CompositeNormal = CurlyPalmYournameNormal.dds BarkDiffuse = CurlyPalmBark.dds BarkNormal = CurlyPalmBarkNormal.dds BarkDetail = CurlyPalmBarkDetail.dds Notice I deleted the SelfShadow line. The CurlyPalm didn’t have a selfshadow. If the tree does have a shadow file it will be in that directory also, convert it to a DXT1 DDS and save it, then enter the name of the dds on the selfshadow line. IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THE FILE AGAIN, so the user data will be saved Copy CurlyPalmYournameDiffuse.dds, CurlyPalmYournameNormal.dds, CurlyPalmBark.dds, CurlyPalmBarkNormal.dds, CurlyPalmBarkDetail.dds and CurlyPalmRTYourname.spt to it matching directory on the repo. Common Errors.

This entry was posted on 28.09.2019.