How To Compare Two Sound Files In Java

  1. Camera Sound Files
  2. Sound Files Types
  3. Downloadable Sound Files

I have a (mostly) working program to compare two wav files, to see if the smaller one is in the bigger one. This is done in java. I do this by first making sure both.

Is there a way to compare 2 audio files, whereby a percentage of difference will be returned? I am using C# VS08,.net framework 3.5. Edited: difference in the sound (like for eg. Audio 1: 'HELP', Audio 2: 'HELP ME PLEASE', it will return the difference in percentage between this 2 audio.) I am currently saving recorded files in wav format, and its bit rate and quality will also be the same as what will be recorded and compared against. I wish to ask if there is a way to compare the sound (not just the binaries) in 2 audio files of the same properties and same format (WAV), and show the percentage difference between the 2 sounds in the 2 audio files.

Help will be greatly appreciated. Could you please define the 'percentage of difference'? For example, please tell us which value do you expect to get:.

Between two versions of the same file encoded with different settings?. Between two versions of the same file, except that one is slightly faster than the other?. Between two recordings of the same audio input, but through different microphone/recording equipment?.

Camera Sound Files

Between two recordings of the same person saying the same word?. Between two recordings of the same person saying the same word, with a different prosody (rhythm/melody)?. Between two recordings of different persons saying the same word?. Between two recordings of the same person saying the same sentence except for a few words?. Between a recording of a person and that of a cow?. Between a recording of an airplane and music? What do you want to measure?

The speech contents (words)? The melody, rhythm? The overall audio similarity? Encoding/recording equipment differences?

Sound Files Types

In this traversal, I presents how to compare two audio files using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). This is realted to my previous traversal ““. First convert both audio file into.wav if they are in mp3 or any other format.

Then convert time-domain.wav files into frequency-domain data by Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The Fourier Transform proposes to decompose any signal into a sum of sin and cos.

Downloadable Sound Files

In this process, a certain number of harmonics are considered since number of harmonics in a signal real world signal can be infinite to get the frequency spectrum. Following images show how frequency spectrum can be derived by considering harmonics in the original signal.

How To Compare Two Sound Files In Java

Truncate both signals so that their durations are equivalent. Then calculate the Energy spectral density (ESD) for each for both waves’ Fourier tranformations.The energy spectral density is most suitable for calculating a finite total energy of the signal in terms of its Fourier transformRefer: 5. Finally compare ESD’s of two waves to get a percentage of their matching The implementation of this process is mentioned in my previous traversal:.

This entry was posted on 24.10.2019.